Making Json Endpoints for My Websites

Roel M. Hogervorst


Categories: blog Tags: data-engineering usability Hugo

What if you want to do something with your blogposts? You could go and parse all the markdown, or scrape the webpages. Or, you could generate the content into machine-parsable format as well.

I’ve added json ’endpoints’ to all of my static websites. That is useful for me if I want to process that data later and it doesn’t cost me anything. You can also use it for search on the webpage (though I don’t use that so much)


All my static websites are created with hugo. Hugo build pages really fast and rebuilds them on changes.

So how did I do it? I looked online and found several examples (can’t find them anymore). But basically:

in config.toml tell Hugo you want json output too:

   home = [ "HTML", "JSON" ]

In layouts/ add a index.json, this is the index.json for this blog (

[ {{- $i := 0 -}}
{{- range where .Site.RegularPages "Section" "ne" "" -}}
   {{- if not .Params.noSearch -}}
      {{- if gt $i 0 }},{{ end -}}
      {"date":"{{ .Date.Unix }}", "url":"{{ .Permalink }}", "title":{{ .Title | jsonify  }}, "summary":{{ with .Description}}{{ . | plainify | jsonify }}{{ else }}{{ .Summary | plainify | jsonify }}{{ end }}, "content":{{ .Content | plainify | jsonify }},"tags":[ {{- $t := 0 }}{{- range .Param "tags" -}}{{ if gt $t 0 }},{{ end }}{{ . | jsonify }}{{ $t = add $t 1 }}{{ end -}} ], "level":[ {{- $t := 0 }}{{- range .Param "difficulties" -}}{{ if gt $t 0 }},{{ end }}{{ . | jsonify }}{{ $t = add $t 1 }}{{ end -}} ] }
      {{- $i = add $i 1 -}}
   {{- end -}}
{{- end -}} ]

Because this is awful to read let’s explain it so I can revisit this later.

    "date":"{{ .Date.Unix }}", 
    "url":"{{ .Permalink }}", 
    "title":{{ .Title | jsonify  }}, 
    "summary":{{ with .Description}}{{ . | plainify | jsonify }}{{ else }}{{ .Summary | plainify | jsonify }}{{ end }}, 
    "content":{{ .Content | plainify | jsonify }},
    "tags":[ {{- $t := 0 }}{{- range .Param "tags" -}}{{ if gt $t 0 }},{{ end }}{{ . | jsonify }}{{ $t = add $t 1 }}{{ end -}} ], 
    "level":[ {{- $t := 0 }}{{- range .Param "difficulties" -}}{{ if gt $t 0 }},{{ end }}{{ . | jsonify }}{{ $t = add $t 1 }}{{ end -}} ] 

And that is how you do this. I even added it to a recipes website so I could do some magic on recipes without having to parse and clean the html.