This is a small troubleshooting solution I had while building a docker container on rocker/r-ver:latest (rocker/r-ver:4.0.2)
I had a script that created a picture with ggsave. However it seemed to fail on an obscure reason:
Warning message:
In grDevices::grSoftVersion() :
unable to load shared object '/usr/local/lib/R/modules//': cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
First of all this should be an error and not a warning. There is no png file created (this grSoftVersion() function is probably called in ggplot2::ggsave()
Secondly, I don’t know why it isn’t in the container. Probably to keep it lightweight.
Information about the environment
I have used the rocker container r-verse:4.0.2 (latest R version) which is build on
- (
cat /etc/issue
) ubuntu 20.04 LTS - (
cat etc/debian_version
) bullseye/sid - (
cat /etc/os-release
) focal fossa
What I did was add a missing apt package:
(sudo) apt-get install libxt6
Or in docker language
RUN apt-get install -y --no-install-recommends libxt6
This finally fixed the issue that I tried to solve for 2 days.